| COGNEX Partner System Integrator - 成都新西旺自动化科技有限公司

OPTO telecentric lens

TC4M/TC2M Series Dual Telecentric Lenses

The TC4M and TC2M series are dual telecentric lenses designed for sensors up to 2/3".


The TC4M lens covers up to 21.5 millimeters and is suitable for 1.2" imagers with a 2048x2048 (4-megapixel) KAI sensor.


The TC2M lens can cover sensors up to 1" (16 millimeters in diameter).


Below, you'll find a list of commonly used large array sensors for your convenience. You can select the lens that best fits your needs by scrolling down in the column corresponding to the sensor you require.


All these lenses are available with either a C-mount or F-mount (part number "P/N" followed by "/" indicates an F-mount, while "P/N" followed by "/C" indicates a C-mount. For example, TC4M64/F refers to the TC4M64 lens with an F-mount).




1. Working Distance: Refers to the distance between the front lens and the object. To achieve the best resolution and reduce distortion, the distance should be set within +/- 3% of the indicated value.


2. Working F-number: The actual F-number used with macro lenses. Smaller aperture lenses can also be provided depending on the requirements.

3. Although the image can still be used for measurements at the edges of the depth of field, for sharper images, only half of the depth of field indication value should be considered.

4. Maximum slope of the lens normal: When converted to milliradians, it gives the maximum measurement error for object displacement (in millimeters).

5. Measured from the mechanical front to the edge of the lens.
