| COGNEX Partner System Integrator - 成都新西旺自动化科技有限公司

Electronics industry

Resistance color ring detection

Publishing Date:2019-08-31 09:54:46    Views:


Color ring resistors are the most versatile types of resistors used in various electronic devices. No matter how they are installed, maintainers can easily read their resistance values for easy detection and replacement. However, in practice, it is found that there are some problems in the marking process of resistance color ring, such as wrong labeling, missing labeling, incomplete paint surface or too long paint head, which affect the recognition of resistance value and can not be used.


System performance:

1. Adopt the vision software independently developed by the company, and cooperate with the hardware design of high-resolution industrial cameras and industrial lenses to ensure high-precision detection;

2.Accurately identify the color of the resistance color ring;

3. Accurately detect whether there is a duplicate ring, missing label, broken ring and color ring without first-class defects;

4. Accurately detect whether the resistance coating has gas holes, sticky rot, paint and other defects;

5. Accurately detect the defect that the coating does not completely cover the resistor;

6. Accurately detect defects such as unlacquered excessively long lead and lead solder spot exposure.


Application field:

Electronics industry, semiconductor industry, food industry and related to color recognition and surface defect detection industries.

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