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Electronics industry

OCR/OCV character recognition detection system

Publishing Date:2019-08-31 09:52:37    Views:


    In order to improve the traceability of products, a variety of strings with certain significance have been popularized in today's life and production. For example, electronic components, SMT on the production line have become the standard for the circulation process. In order to facilitate fast reading and recording, machine vision detection has become an inevitable means, Chengdu Xinxiwang provides application soOCR/OCV字符识别检测系统(图1)lutions to achieve the highest character read rate while keeping the error rate at the lowest possible limit.


    System performance:1.Read or verify date/batch codes;

    2.Verify the readability of the characters and the proper operation of the printer;3.Fast and powerful character reading, adapting to poor appearance characters such as low contrast or uneven lighting;

    4.Can build character library for non-standard fonts or symbols;5. Strong ability to distinguish similar characters;

    6. Can be compared with the database to verify the accuracy of character reading;

    7. Data can be saved to the database to ensure product traceability.


    Application field:

    Batteries, electronic parts, PCB manufacturing, beverages, printing and other fields that need to read characters.

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