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Industry Information

Understand the role machine vision plays in industrial production

Publishing Date:2023-05-15 14:45:15    Views:

With the continuous maturity of machine vision technology, it is also more and more widely used in industry, and today we understand the role of machine vision in industrial production from five perspectives!

1. Automatically grab

In fact, the application of automatic capture is built on the integrated application of visual recognition, visual detection and visual positioning. We process the image through visual algorithms, so as to control the robot arm to complete the grasping action we need. For example, in the production process, we used to put the equipment into the production line by manual, and now it can be replaced by robots!

2. Image detection

Each product from the production line we need to determine its eligibility, and eligibility is initially by artificial visual detection, with the increase of the level of automation, the detection accuracy is further improved, artificial detection has been far from meeting our needs, at this time the emergence of machine vision to solve the industry problem.

The emergence of machine vision has also pushed the industry to a higher level of automation, such as the current Yonghui intelligent manufacturing projects involved in visual positioning, bottle cap detection, auto parts defect detection, glass bottle detection, barcode character recognition, especially in automotive manufacturing!

3. Object measurement

The biggest advantage of machine vision is contactless measurement, which can meet the detection of the product, and will not cause secondary damage to the product because of contact.

We mainly let the equipment "see", so as to complete the measurement is, such a detection method, does not need to rely on traditional manual contact, but also to ensure that the industrial demand for high precision, high speed!

The application is also more extensive, the measurement of Luoding thread, twist drill, IC component pin, car parts, connectors and so on!

4. Visual positioning

Positioning We have repeatedly mentioned in the previous, visual positioning, as the name suggests, is to determine the three-dimensional coordinates of the object in space, such as in the semiconductor field, when we want to grasp, scattered products are difficult to deal with, but through the means of machine vision, you can solve the problem well.

5. Image recognition

Image recognition is simple to tell you that through the visual algorithm to process the images we capture, so as to obtain a variety of product information, which is more typical of the two-dimensional code recognition!

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