Industry Information

What is Industrial Lens Distortion?

Publishing Date:2020-08-04 11:48:48    Views:


Industrial lenses are often referred to as camera lenses or photographic lenses, or lenses for short, and their function is optical imaging. Industrial lens distortion, also known as distortion, refers to the straight line outside the spindle in the plane of the subject, which becomes a curve after being imaged by the optical system, and the imaging error of the optical system is called distortion. Distortion aberrations only affect the geometry of the image, not the clarity of the image. In general, industrial lenses have the following three typical distortions.


Barrel distortion

Barrel distortion, also known as barrel distortion, is a phenomenon caused by the physical properties of the lens in the lens and the structure of the lens group. Barrel distortion is easily noticeable when using a wide-angle lens or using the wide-angle end of a zoom lens. When there are straight lines in the picture, the barrel distortion is easy to detect.

Occipital distortion

Pincushion distortion, also known as pincushion distortion, is a phenomenon caused by the lens to "shrink" the image to the middle. When using a telephoto lens or using the telephoto end of a zoom lens, pincushion distortion is easily noticeable. Especially with the use of focal length converters, pincushion distortion can easily occur. When there are straight lines in the picture, pincushion distortion is easy to detect.

Linear distortion

Linear distortion is also known as linear distortion. When trying to photograph tall rectilinear structures up close, such as buildings or trees, it leads to another kind of distortion. Suppose you are using a wide-angle lens, and you think that if you aim the camera slightly upwards, you can get very close and capture the entire structure. However, because the lines that are actually parallel do not appear to be parallel, the result is that the building or tree seems to be toppling down, and this distortion is called linear distortion.

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