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DataMan ID barcode readers improve the efficiency of accurate reading of cigarette box barcodes

Publishing Date:2015-10-27 10:35:01    Views:


  Due to the implementation of the Tobacco No. 1 Project and the recycling regulations of cigarette boxes, high requirements have been placed on the barcode reading of cigarette boxes, which has also brought great challenges.

Because the ribbon and barcode print head of barcode printers are fragile, and the barcode printing equipment used by different brands of tobacco industry companies is different, the barcodes are sometimes unclear or the pins are lost, resulting in a low barcode recognition rate; on the other hand, Because the cigarette box has been labeled before recycling, and the original barcode label is removed after high-temperature hot stamping, so when labeling again, the position cannot be selected at the original labeling position, otherwise the barcode label will not be firmly adhered, and the barcode labeling position will be arbitrary. The laser reading scan rate is not high. As a result, the quality of barcode printing and labeling position are not fixed, and it is very difficult to read laser barcodes, often causing the cigarette boxes to not be read correctly during transportation. When the barcode reader cannot read the code, the operator has to shut down the machine and manually enter the barcode information into the system. This manual input process needs to be repeated many times during production, which results in a significant decrease in production volume and greatly reduces the efficiency of the cigarette boxes in and out of the warehouse.

These problems have been plaguing the sorting center of Loudi Tobacco Company. Cognex has always had good cooperation with tobacco companies. At a code reading technology seminar, after learning about the problems in the tobacco company's sorting center, Cognex recommended the DataMan code reader to each tobacco company. Technicians conducted a two-month test on the incoming and outgoing conveyor belts of various tobacco companies' warehouse centers. The DataMan ID reader demonstrated superb reading performance for damaged barcodes and omnidirectional barcodes.

"We have tried DataMan ID readers on the production lines of different tobacco companies, and they have successfully completed the code reading work," said Director Liao of the Sorting Center of Loudi Tobacco Company. When the location of the cigarette boxes is quite random, we tried to use this code reader to read some cigarette boxes that we specially selected. To my surprise, the DataMan ID code reader was able to successfully read in all situations. code."

Production Process 


DataMan ID readers read codes on cigarette boxes before they are put into storage so they can be associated with the system

The DataMan 300 series code readers integrate a high-brightness HPIA light source and are equipped with a C-mount 16mm lens, making them easy to install and use. With the patented decoding algorithm, although the field of view reaches 450*600, the new Hotbars only requires 1.1ppm to decode successfully. Therefore, the DataMan code reader achieves a high reading rate and can well solve problems caused by damaged barcodes or Low read rate issues caused by omnidirectional barcodes.

At the same time, the new DataMan5.2 software can provide advanced formatting and logical embedded DMCC to support enhanced scripts and customized communication channels, which effectively solves the problem of low barcode scanning rate and system communication.

“After customers adopted new image-based code readers, these code readers helped us make significant progress in the cigarette box circulation operation,” Director Liao concluded. “DataMan’s reading rate can reach almost 99.9%. This enables the cigarette boxes to be transported continuously without interruption due to manual data input, and greatly saves the time for products to be put in and out of the warehouse, improving the efficiency of cigarette box loading and unloading. The company plans to install the warehousing and unloading transmission system in the new logistics center If you purchase a DataMan code reader online, we will also evaluate its functionality based on its more advanced two-dimensional DataMatrix code reading algorithm."



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