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Industry Information

Classification of machine vision industrial cameras

Publishing Date:2015-05-20 09:29:53    Views:

  Industrial cameras , also commonly known as video cameras, are a key component in machine vision systems. Their essential function is to convert optical signals into orderly electrical signals. Compared with traditional civilian cameras (video cameras), it has high image stability, high transmission capability and high anti-interference ability. Most industrial cameras on the market are based on CCD or CMOS chips. So what are its categories? Xin Xiwang will introduce it to you in detail below:

1. According to the chip type, it can be divided into CCD camera and CMOS camera;

2. According to the structural characteristics of the sensor, it can be divided into line array cameras and area array cameras;

3. According to the scanning method, it can be divided into interlaced scanning cameras and progressive scanning cameras;

4. According to the resolution, it can be divided into ordinary resolution cameras and high resolution cameras;

5. According to the output signal mode, it can be divided into analog cameras and digital cameras;

6. According to the output color, it can be divided into monochrome (black and white) cameras and color cameras;

7. According to the output signal speed, it can be divided into ordinary speed cameras and high-speed cameras;

8. According to the response frequency range, it can be divided into visible light (ordinary) cameras, infrared cameras, ultraviolet cameras, etc.

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